Sweeter Than Honey: Daily Devotions for Disciples by Greg Hinnant

Need Sweetness? Want to satisfy your heart with God’s sweetly flowing truths applied to your life, whether tasteless, troubled, or triumphant? Here’s a biblical honeycomb for you.

Sweeter Than Honey is the second volume of Greg Hinnant’s devotional trilogy. Its 122 biblical devotionals mirror the sweet balance of God’s counsel. Like His advice, they comfort and challenge us. They confirm truth and warn of danger. They prompt action and check presumption. They edify, yet also humble. Intentionally lengthier than most devotional entries, these offer more spiritual nourishment, yet are still easily read in only minutes. Like the many flavors of honey, they offer a plethora of biblical themes that inform, inspire, and transform.

So taste for yourself! As you thoughtfully savor these devotionals, spooning or pouring them into your soul, you’ll discover Bible honey is indeed sweeter than bees’ honey. With the Holy Spirit’s blessing, it will satisfy and energize you. And however bland, bitter, or embattled your day, you’ll maintain an unconquerably sweet joy within. Enjoy!



About the Author:

Greg Hinnant, author of Walking on Water, Spiritual Truths for Overcoming Adversity, and many more inspiring books is a teacher, writer, pastor and expositor of the Word. Called to teach New Testament discipleship and to minister to ministers, Greg has ministered both in America and abroad. He is an instructor with Christian Life School of Theology (Columbus, GA) and has had many articles published in An Encouraging Word, Home School Digest, Brush Arbor Quarterly, Overcoming Life, The Evangelist (Evangelical Tract Distributors-Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) and in The Herald of His Coming(US A). Greg resides in High Point, NC.