Encouraging and strengthening homeschool families for over 30 years!
How YOU can homeschool your children …
(…and why you must!)
Each year, thousands of families that are committed to homeschooling and raising Godly children are blessed and encouraged by Home School Digest, and continue to choose Home School Digest as their favorite homeschool publication!
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Statement of Purpose
We are daily being poured out in the Name of our Lord Jesus on your behalf, through our publications as well as face to face, and through fervent prayer, so that you might stand firm in the knowledge of your faith in the One Who has called you to this holy vocation. We are intensely committed to serving you, and look forward to hearing your testimonies and fellowshipping with you throughout eternity.
What you'll find...
In the HOME SCHOOL DIGEST, you’ll find practical tips, simple homeschooling suggestions and bold biblical challenges that make up an open forum for wrestling through the complex issues that affect homeschooling families. We pray that the broad, yet uncompromising approach you’ll find in the HOME SCHOOL DIGEST will strengthen, encourage and equip you in your journey of homeschooling, raising Godly children, and walking closer with Jesus Christ. We strive to cover a wide range of homeschooling issues and then to provide Biblical perspective so that you, the reader, will be better equipped to “give an account for the faith that lies within you” regarding your stand as Christian homeschool parents.
We understand ...
As homeschoolers ourselves, we know that there will be “down days” when discouragement threatens to defeat you and you wonder if homeschooling is really worth it ~ so we look for articles that will encourage you to “be not weary of well-doing.” Some days it will be “Back to the old drawing board,” so we try to keep you from running out of practical new ideas on home education methods. Sometimes you will feel completely alone in the struggles you face, which is why we print stories by and about other homeschooling families ~ maybe even a homeschooling family from your own neck of the woods! We know that not everyone you meet will be patting you on the back and singing your praises because you’ve chosen to teach your children at home, so we try to remind you in every issue of the HOME SCHOOL DIGEST that your calling comes from God and He is the only One whose “well done” really counts!