Walking on Water by Greg Hinnant

Jesus wasn’t the only one to walk on water… …Peter got down out of the boat, and walked on the water… (Mat. 14:29)

Just as Jesus empowered Peter to walk safely upon the stormy waters of Galilee, believers today can and should expect that same supernatural power to carry them safely through perilous, terrifying circumstances.

In this timely exposition, Greg Hinnant identifies tried-and-true principles from the Word of God that build faith and prepare the faithful for life’s stormy seas. He skillfully guides his reader to a radical perspective on adversity and hardship.

Contending that more affliction always brings more growth, he helps both seasoned and new believers experience the benefits of seeing God in difficulties as well as blessings. He also sheds light on the trouble spots and critical tests that can mean the difference between defeat and victory.

With an emphasis on the love of God, Hinnant encourages the believer to embrace painful trials that ultimately lead to a place of fruitfulness and destiny. He also speaks to church leaders, exhorting them to take the road less traveled instead of serving the popular notion of the day. He challenges all believers to examine the Word closely and to remain vigilant, even after the storms pass.



About the Author:

Greg Hinnant, author of Walking in His Ways, Spiritual Truths forOvercoming Adversity, and many more inspiring books is a teacher, writer, pastor and expositor of the Word. Called to teach New Testament discipleship and to minister to ministers, Greg has ministered both in America and abroad. He is an instructor with Christian Life School of Theology (Columbus, GA) and has had many articles published in An Encouraging Word, Home School Digest, Brush Arbor Quarterly, Overcoming Life, The Evangelist(Evangelical Tract Distributors-Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) and in The Herald of His Coming(USA). Greg resides in High Point, NC.