Home School Digest Magazine

The longest-running print publication on  homeschooling in the world. In the Home School Digest, you’ll find practical tips, simple suggestions and bold Biblical challenges that make up an open forum for wrestling through the complex issues that affect homeschooling families. We pray that the broad, yet uncompromising approach you’ll find in Home School Digestwill strengthen, encourage and equip you in your journey of homeschooling, raising Godly children, and walking closer with Jesus Christ.Each year, thousands of families that are committed to homeschooling and raising Godly children are blessed and encouraged by Home School Digest, and continue to choose Home School Digestas their favorite homeschool publication. Home School Digestoffers a diverse and poignant collection of articles with timeless messages for Christian living and homeschooling in the world today.

Print subscription consists of four (4) full issues. And, as always, with your paid subscription, you can give a gift subscription to a friend ABSOLUTELY FREE!



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